Not even a full day into their stay in the Big Brother Titans house, the four new housemates found themselves in the diary room being peppered by questions from the man himself.
The house was shaken last night when four new housemates made their kung fu-style entrance (yes, we know we’re mixing up cultures here, but bear with us), but the newcomers seem to be fitting in well enough. Earlier today, Big Brother called the fresh faces into the diary room to discuss their thoughts about their stay so far.
Generally speaking, the new housemates had positive things to say about the existing housemates. “They are a bunch of amazing people,” was Blue Aiva’s gushing response. “I feel like I gel with everybody.”
When asked about his fellow housemates, Theo Traw said that “they were very welcoming,” going on to say that he was drawn to Marvin, but he’s still “getting to know the other housemates, but I’m really happy to be here, and I feel good.”
“Everyone is warm and welcoming,” agreed Sandra, although she did say that Khosi didn’t seem to interact with her much. “I don’t really know the reason, though.” We think we do. Sandra and Yemi hit it off, last night, as they just so happen to know each other from before entering the house, but that might not be much of a problem, anymore. Watch this clip to be brought up to speed.
Miracle OP’s rush to gush about how well he’s getting on led him down a tongue-twisting path. “Juicy Jay – I f****** love that guy! Sorry, I don’t know if I’m allowed to swear, but I f****** – sorry, I did it again.” Clearly, these two guys are set to be bros.
“I think Juicy Jay feels the same way when he looks at Miracle,” said Mmeli, who – while not a new housemate – was brought into the diary room for a post-wager loss chat. “Sandra is crazy, Big Brother!” he exclaimed when giving his opinion about the new housemates, adding that she “just gelled with everyone.”
There was one very notable interaction between Big Brother and Miracle OP. On his very first day in the house, a spring chicken, Miracle OP petitioned Big Brother to organise him some privacy so that he could take someone on a date. That’s a bold move from someone who has not even properly unpacked, yet. When pressed on whom he would like to take on a date, he replied, “Khosi”.
“When we talk one on one, I feel like we’re pushing peas,” he went on. “Obviously, she’s in a situation with my guy, Yemi.” When Big Brother asked if he didn’t like to step on toes, Miracle replied with, “I mean, depending on the toes …” and caught himself. “No, I’m not that guy.” ?
Miracle OP’s diary session was a lot of fun, but we think he found it more than a little awkward at times, and the stress seems to have taken its toll judging by the cramp the poor guy was suffering when he left the diary room.